Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Good Things and Bad Things While My Honda Gently Seeps

Good thing that happened today: I didn't go to work!

Bad thing that happened today: I didn't go to work because my car became engulfed in steam and fluid while on the 10 East and it fully didn't dawn on me just how bad that was until the car next to me honked - not to tell me to get over - but to panic and point at my car. If you ever need to get over four lanes of traffice lickity split, have steam pour from your car. No one even tries to cut you off.

Good thing: I found gas for $3.97!

Bad thing: I could not drive my car to get said gas because it was previously ENGULFED IN STEAM and to drive it any more would have resulted in DEATH...or more steam.

Good thing: Katie, Rolland, Rob, Justine and I will be performing in the Westside Eclectic's Monthly Mix-In show with other persons of the talented persuasion! Thursday, August 14th at 9:30 p.m.

Bad thing: I'm usually not home in the middle of the day and it's hot and I can't figure out the air conditioning in my apartment!

Good thing: Last Tuesday, I saw Dynamite Kablammo and wrote up a review of said show for The Coming. If the Marx Brothers hosted the Twilight Zone, it would be this show.

Bad thing: Microsoft Works - a program or a statement of optimism?

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