Monday, August 11, 2008


Sometimes there is moisture in the bag left over from the water bottle.
Sometimes the landline phone doesn't charge correctly and it dies quickly.
Sometimes the envelopes are sealed with tape, and if not, then obviously with spit... so to open it one needs to touch residual spit.
Sometimes the pen stops working even though there is still ink in the little window where one looks to see if it's empty.
Sometimes a little piece of toast will catch on fire.
Sometimes there is a motorcycle that sets off all the car alarms.
Sometimes the floss will shred.
Sometimes the light bulb will have a little rattling thing inside when it's shaken after it burns out.
Sometimes the socks are bunched up, requiring the shoe to be taken off to allow for adjustment.
Sometimes the penny has rust.
Sometimes the glass if half full.
Sometimes there are extra chips at the bottom of the bag, a fun surprise.
Sometimes the toilet does not require extra cleaning.
Sometimes the foil can act as cool wrapping paper.
Sometimes the fly swatter does its job.
Sometimes the sharpie does not smell too bad.
Sometimes the grips on the bottom of the slippers prevent a catastrophic fall.

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